For this production, I arranged/composed and recorded music used in transitions and underscoring within the play. This clip highlights several of the musical elements I created.
I was inspired by the sense of innocence (and innocence lost), and its struggle against the corruption that threatens to swallow it up, as well as feelings of the old South where the play is set.
Several times in the play, Birdie and Zan play duets on the piano. I arranged several pieces of music for the actresses to play live that also helped cement their close relationship and uniquely paralleled situations.
I then re-composed the pieces as underscores for Birdie's key scenes, tying these musical elements to the story which led to more meaningful connections as the melodies and story progressed together.
Written by Lillian Hellman, The Little Foxes follows the Hubbards, a southern family consumed and divided by greed, and the struggle of those who would take a stand against the corruption and cruelty that has gone on for too long. The play explores how far some will go to get what they want, and the toll it takes on those closest to them.